In Depth Tutorial
Are you ready to learn how to make bias tape? You only need a few tools and an iron, a ½ yard of fabric is transformed into 9 yards of double fold bias tape!
How To Make Your Own Bias Tape is a beginner level sewing class. In this class, I'll show you how to make your own custom bias tape. This set of videos is longer than my youtube video and includes more details for those that may be new to using a rotary cutter and or quilters ruler.
What You'll Learn
- Cut it
- Sew the strips together
- Iron it into single fold bias tape with and without a bias tape maker.
- Iron it in double fold bias tape with and without a bias tape maker.
By the end of this class, you'll know how to create bias tape from your favorite fabric for any project that calls for it!
If you prefer just the quick run down you'll find everything you need to know by watching the video below!
The Bias Tape Maker
The Bias Tape Maker is an ingenious little tool. (Tools actually, since they are available in multiple sizes.) If you have ever tried to fold and press bias tape without one, you’ll know what we mean. How did we ever live without it?
What is it?
The Bias Tape Maker is a tool through which bias-cut fabric strips are fed to make Bias Tape. What does all this mean? Here is a bit of background info. Bias: This is the diagonal grainline of fabric. To find the bias grain, fold the fabric diagonally, lining up the lengthwise grain (the selvage edge) with the crosswise grain (perpendicular to the selvage). The fold is the bias grainline.
Bias Tape, What is It?
Bias Tape is made from strips of bias fabric. The edges are folded under once for single fold tape, and twice for double fold tape. Single fold bias tape is great for surface embellishment. Double fold bias tape is used to bind the edges of quilts and other craft or sewing projects.
How to Use a Bias Tape Maker
First, you must decide whether you need single or double fold tape. The Bias Tape Maker makes only single fold tape. If you want double fold, simply fold it a second time as you attach it to the project. Double fold bias tape will be half the size indicated on the tool.
1. Cut the fabric into the desired amount of bias strips at the required width. Follow the package for recommended strip width. The width will be about twice the finished width of the finished single fold tape, or about ¼ the width of finished double fold tape.
2. Join the ends of the bias strips as in the tutorial “How To Cut and Sew Bias Strips.” Insert the end of the joined bias strip into the wide end of the tool. You will see an opening at the top center of the tool on the plastic side. Take a straight pin through this opening to help push the fabric to get it started.
3. The fabric will appear at the narrow end of the tool. Pull the fabric strip out about 1-inch. Pin it to your ironing surface.
4. Hold the metal ring of the tool with your left hand, slowly pulling it away from the pinned end. Holding the iron in your right hand, press the folded tape as it appears from the end of the tool.
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