Transferring the Darts to Fabric
Sewing the Darts
Darts can be a tad intimidating if you’ve never had to sew one before. I’m going to show you how to sew a dart that ensures you never have a pucker.
- Fold the dart so that the right sides of the dart legs are touching. You should be able to see your markings.
- Place a pin through one side of the dart leg and out the other side. Your pin should come out on the other marking. If it did not realign the dart so that it matches up. I usually do this in 2-3 spots.
- Sew the dart by sewing on the line. Backstitch just a tiny bit after the first or second stitch.
- When you get to the end of the dart, sew off the edge of the fabric. Do not backstitch.
- Leave a thread tail that is at least 4″ long.
- Tie the thread tail in a know to secure the stitch.
- On the wrong side of the fabric press the dart towards the back
- On the front side press the dart to smooth out the fabric. Using a tailors ham or rolled up towel under the garment will help.
Do you have any questions about sewing or pressing darts? Let me know in the comments section.
Great explanation. I had no idea what a dart even was before reading!
I sew, so this is very helpful and explanatory!
I love the way you explained everything! It was so well written and easy to follow’
Linda Keenan
what side of dart do you sew on after pinning and also ironong toward back side of garmet?
thank youLL